
Are chickpeas low-FODMAP? As for lentils and beans, how about them? What you need to know is right here!

Due to their high oligosaccharide content, chickpeas and other legumes like beans and lentils are not typically regarded as low-FODMAP foods. However, there are strategies for incorporating legumes into a low-FODMAP diet, including using canned chickpeas, thoroughly rinsing them, and consuming them in moderation.

You can see that a low-FODMAP diet is a little more complicated than just answering “yes” or “no.” Let’s start by discussing the low-FODMAP diet itself and the reasons why it might be crucial for some people to be conscious of the foods they eat.

What Are Chickpeas?

Typically grown in Asia, North America, Australia, and some parts of Europe, chickpeas are a type of legume. 

India produces almost two thirds of the world’s output, which is an interesting fact! (1)

Due to their high protein and fiber content, chickpeas should be a staple in your diet. You can depend on them if you’re a vegan because they’re also high in protein.

A Low-FODMAP Diet Is What?

People who experience digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome are frequently advised to follow a low-FODMAP diet.

FODMAP is an acronym that stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. At first glance, it might seem like gibberish, but it’s really just a list of carbohydrates that our bodies can’t break down. Until they reach the large intestine, they move unhindered through the digestive system.

This is where the sugars start to ferment, which is why the F in FODMAP is capitalized.), creating gas which can cause painful bloating and stomach pains. Additionally, they are prone to absorbing water, which results in an uncomfortable expansion of the abdomen.

Some people are advised to limit their diet’s intake of FODMAPs to help lessen these uncomfortable symptoms. Here is a fairly comprehensive list of foods to avoid on a low-FODMAP diet, as well as foods that are safe to eat. Some foods are very high in FODMAPs and may be completely off limits, while other foods contain no FODMAPs at all.

Then there are chickpeas, to finish. As well as lentils and beans. which are all a little more complicated.

Are Chickpeas Low-FODMAP?

Actually, legumes like chickpeas and others rank high on the FODMAP food list. They contain oligosaccharides, which, as you may recall, make up the “o” in FODMAP. According to the information in my previous post (Why do chickpeas upset my stomach, and how can I prevent it? ), eating legumes may result in gas and abdominal discomfort.). There’s a reason why beans are referred to as the “musical fruit”!

It may take some trial and error to figure out which types of sugar your digestive system is most sensitive to because not everyone is sensitive to all of the types of carbohydrates listed in the FODMAP acronym. However, you might need to reduce your chickpea intake if you do have stomach problems after consuming oligosaccharides.

If you don’t want to completely cut out chickpeas, there are a few steps you can take to reduce the amount of oligosaccharides you eat. You might even be able to work chickpeas, beans, and lentils into your low-FODMAP diet.

How Come Chickpeas In Cans Are Low FODMAP?

Because the FODMAPs dissolved into the brine (water), canned chickpeas are low in FODMAPs. The chickpeas must be drained and rinsed twice for this reason. Make sure the liquid from the canned chickpeas has been completely drained. Once finished, you can put the chickpeas to whatever use you like.


Can I Soak Dry Chickpeas To Lower FODMAP Levels?

To lower the FODMAP, you might try soaking dried chickpeas. Though it takes time, this is typically more affordable than chickpeas in cans. Many people simply soak their chickpeas overnight. However, it is advised that you soak the chickpeas for 18 hours to guarantee a low FODMAP content.

You can increase your success by rinsing before soaking because the FODMAPs are being leached into the water. Your chickpeas should be drained and rinsed halfway through the soak period. After that, add fresh water and soak for the final nine hours.

Additionally, many recipes, including those for hummus, direct you to add a few splashes of the chickpeas’ boiling water to the dish. To make sure you are not reintroducing FODMAPs to your food, skip this step and add fresh water.

Is Hummus Low Fodmap?

Hummus is low in FODMAPs, but if you’re on a low FODMAP diet and want to eat it, we recommend making your own.

Garlic flesh is frequently found in traditional store-bought pots, which can seriously exacerbate flare-ups. Instead, if you make your own, you can substitute garlic-infused oil for the garlic flavoring. However, try to keep your serving sizes to a few tablespoons.

How To Make Chickpeas For A Low-FODMAP Diet?

Use Canned Chickpeas

Surprisingly, canned chickpeas are much healthier to eat on a low-FODMAP diet than dried chickpeas that you’ve prepared yourself. Beans and lentils in cans work similarly.

This is because oligosaccharides in the legumes leach out into the water during cooking and canning because FODMAPs are water soluble.

You can wash away any bothersome FODMAPs that have accumulated in the can’s liquid by thoroughly rinsing your chickpeas before using them, and only a very small amount of gas-producing FODMAPs will remain in the actual chickpeas.

You should be able to consider your diet to be low-FODMAP if you can consume up to 1/4 cup of canned lentils, black beans, or chickpeas at a time, depending on how sensitive you are to oligosaccharides. Just be aware that you wouldn’t want to combine a small amount of legumes with a lot of other medium-FODMAP foods because the amounts could add up to the discomfort you were trying to avoid.

Naturally, once you’ve rinsed your canned chickpeas, you can use them in any recipe you like to make homemade hummus, falafel, and whatever other chickpea dishes you like.

Limit The Quantity You Eat

Being mindful of your intake is always a good idea if you experience digestive problems after eating chickpeas.

For instance, if you consume half as many chickpeas, you’ll consume half as many oligosaccharides, which may result in a relief from your digestive problems, or at least a decrease to a level you can tolerate.

In order to stretch a small amount of chickpeas further, try looking for recipes that might bulk them up with a lot of vegetables or grains. For instance, this chickpea bolognese pasta bake uses just one can of chickpeas to serve six people, so you actually end up with a relatively small amount of chickpeas on your plate, but they still have a significant flavorful impact on the dish.

Make Sure You Soak Your Chickpeas Thoroughly

If canned chickpeas are not an option, you might be able to get away with using dried chickpeas as long as you soak them very well before using them.

Since oligosaccharides are water soluble, many of the indigestible sugars will dissolve into the soaking solution. After that, before cooking the beans, you must discard this liquid. One study discovered that soaking chickpeas actually reduced their oligosaccharide content by 40% (Njoumi, Amiot, Rochette, Bellagha, & Mouquet-Rivier, 2019). It was also effective in lowering the oligosaccharides in lentils and fava beans, albeit to a lesser extent (more like 10%).

Soak your chickpeas for as long as possible, ideally up to 18 hours. Adding some baking soda to the water where your chickpeas are soaking can also be beneficial for softening them.


The solution is not clear-cut when it comes to chickpeas and FODMAP. Using canned chickpeas is the quickest and safest way to guarantee low FODMAP chickpeas. There are also some hummus and chickpea substitutes, but you’ll need to carefully examine the ingredients to make sure they’re low FODMAP or make them yourself.