Is Amethyst Water Safe Here's What You Want To Know

Amethyst, a magnificent and radiant purple gemstone known for its capacity to numb both physical and emotional pain, is renowned for being the stone of sobriety, transformation, and enlightenment. Additionally, this crystal is well known for aiding in addiction recovery, enhancing focus, and giving the wearer clarity and peace.

So, is amethyst water safe? Yes.

Amethyst, which is shaped from the prismatic crystals of hollow rocks and geodes, has a hardness rating of seven on the Mohs scale, making it generally safe to be immersed in water, whether it be spring water, cold water, fresh water, or even tap water.

You should be aware that Amethyst can rupture due to abrupt temperature changes. So it is not suggested to steam it. In addition, amethyst must not be combined with vinegar, ammonium fluoride, hydrofluoric acid, hydrogen peroxide, or alkaline solutions.

For more information, continue reading.

Is It Safe To Hold Amethyst Under Running Water?

Amethyst is a gem that can be worn in water due to its relatively hard and long-lasting qualities. As a result, you can clean it by holding it under running water without having to be concerned that it will dissolve or suffer any sort of damage.

To prevent the stone from rupturing and losing its seal, keep the water temperature moderate because amethyst stone is particularly sensitive to abrupt temperature changes.

Can Filtered Water Be Used To Clean Amethyst?

Making use of filtered water is an additional superb method of cleaning your amethyst. By doing so, you can lessen the amount of mineral deterioration on your crystal and speed up the purification procedure. It is also recommended to use charcoal as a water filter because it is very effective at removing chemical impurities and pathogens that are spread through water.

Is Amethyst Resistant To Rainwater Drenching?

The negative energy coming from your stone can also be purified and balanced by using rainwater. The water that comes directly from nature is said to be the most intensely charged. Your crystal’s output vibrates more effectively if you let the unprocessed cosmic energy of the Earth cleanse it.

Alternatively, you can just leave the crystal out in the rain, or you can choose to collect some rainwater in a bowl and let it soak for a few hours.

Can Moon Water Be Used To Bathe Amethyst?

Using moon water is another well-known and efficient method of sanitizing and recharging crystals. Moon water is, as its name suggests, just water that has been brewed outside in the moonlight.

Moon water is said to be a fantastic way to balance the natural energy of your amethyst. The moon’s silvery light is thought to have a potent cleansing effect, clearing away negative energies and allowing a smooth flow of beneficial and healing energy.

The full moon is the best time to perform this lunar infusion because it is the moon’s most potent phase. Making moon water, however, is strongly discouraged when an eclipse is occurring because it is thought that this celestial phenomenon produces a lot of negative energy.

Can You Soak Amethyst In Bath Water?

Your self-care routine can be improved by incorporating amethyst crystal into your bathing ritual. Amethyst’s electromagnetic vibrations are said to aid psychosomatic illnesses, block geopathic stress, and calm anxiety in addition to producing a sense of luxury and tranquility. Additionally, it might help to clarify your spiritual vision and facilitate multidimensional cellular healing.

Use your amethyst crystal by dousing the tub in it or by simply setting it in one of the tub’s four corners while taking a restorative and revitalizing bath. However, you must consider the shower products you use’s ingredients.

Make sure that the bathing supplements you use are all-natural, organic, alcohol-free, and crystal-friendly before soaking it in your tub or donning it in the shower. Be careful not to combine your crystal with any chemicals from your soap, body wash, bath salt, or bath bombs as this could cause damage.

Is It Possible To Submerge Amethyst In Salt Water?

Amethyst can generally be submerged in water without harm, but it shouldn’t be left in saltwater for an extended period of time to prevent crystal damage. A damaging reaction can occur in the crystal, causing it to lose its luster and break easily, in addition to the high sodium levels. Salt particles also have a tendency to seep through and can be challenging to rinse off.

Even though ocean water has a tremendously positive energetic effect on the crystal, the salt in the sea can permanently harm the amethyst crystal. If you’re set on cleaning your crystal with salt water, be sure to only dip it for a short time and then thoroughly rinse it with clean water to get rid of any salt flecks that might have adhered to the crystal during the process.

Is Amethyst Water Safe Here's What You Want To Know
Is Amethyst Water Safe? Here’s What You Want To Know

Can You Soak Amethyst In Spring Water?

Another risk-free and efficient way to clean is to soak your gem in spring water or any other clear river or stream. The Amethyst crystal can be transfused with healing and nourishing energy from springwater to enhance its restorative magic.

Is Water Containted With Amethyst Safe To Drink?

Water that has been infused with amethyst may help to remove toxins from the body, promote mental calm, and ease chronic anxiety because of its soothing effects.

Additionally, consuming water with amethyst is said to balance the endocrine system, control hormone production, and improve the flow of healing energy throughout the body. But before using your crystal to make water and drink it, be sure to thoroughly clean it.

Common Crystals That Are Safe To Put In Drinking Water

The following is a list of crystals that can be put in water, and more specifically, those that are secure for consumption through a crystal water bottle or another method.

  1. Amethyst
  2. Black Obsidian
  3. Carnelian
  4. Citrine
  5. Clear Quartz
  6. Rose Quartz
  7. Rutilated Quartz
  8. Smoky Quartz

This list is not exhaustive, just like the water-unsafe crystals. You can make water bottles with crystals not listed here; just make sure to do your research before consuming any crystal-infused water.

If you’re looking for water-safe crystals for your gem elixirs, start with Quartz crystals, which includes Amethyst, Citrine, and other members of the Quartz family.

What Crystals Should Not Be Put In Water?

Make use of the Mohs scale. The Mohs hardness scale is your friend if you’re looking for a quick and general guide for crystals that can be placed in water. You should be fine if you stick with crystals that are a 6 or higher. In general, these are regarded as water-safe.

Avoid using copper-containing iron ores or crystals. In the presence of water, a mineral like pyrite may rust. Even some crystals might dissolve when exposed to water. A crystal of iron ore should never be submerged in water or allowed to stay wet for an extended period of time.

Crystals ending in “ite” are generally water unsafe crystals. Although it could be considered a generalization, this is true most of the time. The actual reason crystals end in the suffix, “ite,” is because there’s a push to standardize mineral names officially. It so happens that the crystals that carry this name typically aren’t suitable for use in water. Malachite, Calcite, Hematite, Fluorite, and Selenite stones should stay out of water. In addition to having a lower Mohs hardness rating, they also have a low water tolerance. They are therefore easy targets for receiving permanent harm.

Fill a mason jar with water, add the amethyst, and place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to create amethyst-infused water. Now that it has been freshly made, chilled, and is ready for you to enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Put Rose Quartz In Water?

Is Rose Quartz safe in water? is a common question. As was already stated, most quartz stones, including rose quartz, are safe to be submerged in water.

Can Clear Quartz Be Submerged In Water?

Yep, same thing here; in fact, soaking this Quartz stone in water is one of the most effective ways to clean it.

Can You Put Citrine In Water?

Citrine, a different variety of quartz, is a tough stone that rates a 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This demonstrates that adding it to water is completely safe.

Can Selenite Get Wet?

Selenite is neither a quartz stone nor a water-safe crystal, in contrast to the four minerals mentioned above. Although selenite can briefly become wet, if you submerge it for an extended period of time, it will suffer damage. Selenite is a soft crystal that should only ever be submerged briefly, if at all. If submerged for a long time, it can dissolve quite easily.

Selenite’s ability to function as a self-cleanser is a plus. This implies that it doesn’t retain energy the way other gemstones do. Get a cleansing lamp if you want to use selenite to clean your water-polluting crystals.

Can Carnelian Swim In Water?

Carnelian is a water-safe crystal. There shouldn’t be any issues if you soak your carnelian crystals in water for a few hours to clean them. Carnelian should never be used with salt water, though. Our thorough guide contains more information on the characteristics of carnelian crystals.

Final Words

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