Losing Weight- get taller?

As we all know, height and weight are closely related. Many people believe that by losing some weight, they can increase a few inches of height. But will weight loss make you grow taller? Human weight and height are interrelated to some extent. When you lose weight, your body will experience a lot of changes, and your height is one of them. In this article, we will try to understand the relationship between your weight and height.

What Impacts Your Height? 

There are many factors that affect your height and determine your height. The posture of your spine and shoulders also determines how tall or short you look. Another factor that affects your height is your gene, DNA, hormones, gender, medical conditions, and nutritional intake.

Does Losing Weight Increase Height?

Yes. In fact, weight loss can make you grow taller in two ways:

First of all, in your growth process, an unhealthy weight will have a harmful impact on your height development. Over time, children and adolescents who are out of control may develop into obesity. Obesity will not only have a negative impact on height growth but also cause related health problems such as heart disease or diabetes. Therefore, do not allow too much body fat to maintain your healthy weight by losing some weight and giving full play to your potential to hinder your growth.

Second, although adults cannot grow naturally due to the closing of the growth board, a slim body will undoubtedly help you look taller. More importantly, being overweight will put pressure on your spine and pressure, which will make you shorter than your actual height. When losing weight, you will release the pressure on the spine to stand higher. That is to say, the height growth after weight loss is minimal, only 1.5 inches.

How Much Weight Loss Makes a Difference In Height?

In order to look higher, you don’t need to lose how many pounds. This depends on your height, age, and weight. If you lose 6 to 7 pounds, you may look higher, but when you measure it, your height will not change.

If you are lost 15 to 20 pounds, you may notice the difference in height. The more you lose weight, the higher you notice your height. Obesity to lose weight is a little higher than among thin people.

This is mainly because the obese’s posture is not good and some joints are compressed. If you are already a slim body, you will have no effect on your height.

How to Determine If You Are Overweight?

“Does weight affect height?” For a long time, medical professionals have been studying this issue. People use different formulas to calculate personal weight and height, the most famous of which is the weight index (BMI).

BMI uses the total amount of body fat to measure the amount of body fat, the method is to divide the body height (meter) by square meter. You can use your BMI score to check whether you have insufficient weight, normal weight, or overweight. In addition, this score is a useful tool that can identify other health risks related to weight.

7 Effective Ways To Lose Weight To Increase Height

Lose Weight To Increase Height

The promise is the key

Whether it is weight loss or increase, just like anything in life, you must work hard to achieve your goals. Specifically set specific goals for weight loss and height increase, and make up their minds to achieve these goals. In your entire process of becoming a better yourself, we must persist and promise!

Practice swimming

There is no doubt that swimming should be one of the most effective ways to lose weight to increase height. As the best whole-body exercise, swimming can help you maintain a healthy weight, and strong muscles, and keep your body slim. This spine can also lengthen the spine to make you grow taller. Therefore, adding swimming to your daily life is a good idea.

Try cycling

A normal or fixed bicycle is enough to help you achieve your goal. Riding a bicycle can burn a lot of calories, lengthen the leg bones, and effectively lose weight and increase height.

Eat more vegetable

You can lose weight by eating more vegetables, vegetables, fruits, and beans because their basic nutritional ingredients are very high, but the calories are very low. They can make you full without letting you consume calories and fat. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to height growth. At the same time, eat less sugar, salt, and caffeine, because they will hinder your height growth and your weight loss.

Stay away from processed food and canned food

To extend the shelf life, a large amount of sugar, salt, and other preservatives were added to these foods. They are harmful to your weight loss and height increase, so you should avoid them as much as possible. Choose home-cooked dishes!

Increase protein intake

This is one of the best ways to increase height while weight loss. You don’t need a strict diet, eating is less and more painful. Especially for people who are still growing, dieting may lead to insufficient nutrition and potentially hinder growth. You can get the same result by increasing protein intake and reducing carbohydrate intake. Oat, milk protein, nuts, and quinoa are some recommended exercise muscles and weight loss foods.

Avoid eating refined foods such as white flour and white bread. They are easily stuck in the intestine and produce bacteria or toxins. You better use all-wheat flour instead of white flour, and black bread instead of white bread.

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is a physical exercise that combines strength training and stretching exercise with rhythmic aerobic exercise to improve all fitness elements. It burns high calories and promotes the generation of growth hormones. Therefore, if you want to grow taller through weight loss, learn a good online tutorial at home, or participate in an aerobic class!

Can Gaining Weight Make You Shorter

Just like weight loss can make you grow taller, increasing a lot of weight can make you shorter. This is because those who are heavier are often lazy, which will have the illusion of becoming short.

The additional weight will put pressure on the later disc, leading to compression, which will shorten your body. Remember, this is not an additional 10 pounds for those. It is more suitable for those who weigh more. Just like weight loss can make you grow taller, increasing a lot of weight can make you shorter. This is because those who are heavier are often lazy, which will have the illusion of becoming short.

The additional weight will put pressure on the later disc, leading to compression, which will shorten your body. Remember, this is not an additional 10 pounds for those. It is more suitable for those who weigh more.


Your height and weight are connected to some extent. A small amount of weight does not allow you to grow taller, but if you lose one pound, you will grow a little higher. But you can lose weight through a healthy life. Conversely, this may reduce the risk of height due to osteoporosis such as osteoporosis and other diseases related to obesity.

If you are still in puberty, a healthy diet and sleep habits will directly lead to an increase in height in adulthood. If for you, healthy life means weight loss rather than gaining weight, then doing so may mean that you can basically avoid the use of ladders in your 40s.

Once adolescence is in your rearview mirror, there is really no way to make yourself grow taller. But weight loss can make you look higher in front of others. If laziness will affect your height, then posture correction and yoga are also worth studying.