What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Top Guide

When wisdom teeth are found to be impacted or coming in at an odd angle, a dentist will frequently advise having them extracted and eating a diet high in soft foods while you recover.

We’ve put together a general timeline of what to eat at different stages of recovery – and answered the crucial question of when you’ll be able to return to your regular diet – though your schedule may vary depending on your dentist’s recommendations and other factors.

For more specific information, keep reading.

What Happens After My Wisdom Teeth Removal?

You might experience some minor bleeding at the extraction site after your wisdom tooth extraction or surgery. This is completely normal and can be quickly stopped by biting firmly onto a piece of sterile gauze for about 30 minutes.

The dentist will typically recommend pain medication, antibiotics to prevent infection, and an antiseptic mouthwash to help you recover more quickly over the following few days if your wisdom teeth are removed surgically. In order to lessen facial swelling over the following few days, an ice pack will also be provided to you right away after the procedure.

Additionally, the dentist will give you detailed instructions on how to take care of your oral health. This includes what to eat and what not to eat after having your wisdom teeth removed. In order to prevent biting yourself or getting burned by hot food, it is advised to wait until the anesthesia wears off before beginning to eat.

Soft Foods to Eat After Having Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Blended Soups

After having your wisdom teeth removed, blended soups like tomato or pumpkin are excellent to eat. They are simple to eat and don’t have any pieces that might irritate the surgical site.

Soups typically contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. When you are unable to eat many whole fruits or vegetables, this helps to ensure that you still meet the daily nutrition recommendations.

You can stay hydrated by eating blended soups, which is very important after surgery.

Make sure your soups are either lukewarm or cold because hot soups can irritate your throat. Additionally, be sure to blend vegetable-based soups as smoothly as you can to prevent chunks.


Similar to soups, broths are a great source of nutrition following dental surgery.

They are not only delicious but also rich in vitamins and minerals. Additionally, if you have trouble getting enough water in your diet, broths are a fantastic way to stay hydrated.

A broth variety hailed for its health advantages is bone broth. Animal bones and connective tissue are simmered to create this nourishing stock.

Although there are no direct studies on the health effects of bone broth, research on its constituent parts indicates that it may have anti-inflammatory properties.

To prevent rubbing the wound, be sure to drink the broth either lukewarm or cold.

Greek Yogurt

After having dental surgery, you can eat healthy, high-protein Greek yogurt. Its smooth and creamy texture could aid in relieving and numbing your mouth.

Greek yogurt is a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals like calcium and zinc.

Foods high in protein may speed up recovery. In actuality, numerous studies have connected a low-protein diet to a more gradual recovery.

A sufficient zinc intake may also aid in the healing of wounds, according to studies.

But if you already have a healthy zinc level, taking in more zinc might not offer any additional advantages. However, many foods high in zinc, like steak and other meats, are difficult to eat after dental surgery, so Greek yogurt can be a great substitute.

Mashed Potatoes

A versatile root vegetable, potatoes can be prepared in a variety of ways. After having your wisdom teeth removed, mashed potatoes in particular can be a soothing dish.

They are abundant in nutrients and calories, both of which are crucial for recovery. This is due to the fact that after surgery, people require a little more energy.

If you have trouble getting enough food in your mouth, mashed potatoes are a great option because they let you eat a lot of nutrients and energy in a short amount of time.

Just be certain that your mashed potatoes are lukewarm or cold because hot foods may irritate the wound.


Fruits like avocados are unusual. Avocados are low in carbs but high in healthy fats, in contrast to most fruits which are high in carbs.

When you’re healing from having your wisdom teeth extracted, you should eat these because of their smooth, creamy texture.

A great source of potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin K, avocados are very nutrient-dense foods.

Avocados may hasten the healing of wounds, according to one animal study. The results of this study are encouraging, even though they do not show whether avocados accelerate wound healing in people.

Even though avocados are typically simple to eat, it might be best to consume whipped or mashed avocado while you’re recovering.


When you are unable to eat a substantial meal, smoothies are a great way to improve your nutrition.

They are very versatile and simple to consume. Smoothie ingredients can be changed to suit your preferences and nutritional objectives.

Your protein intake can be significantly increased, which is crucial for recovery, by adding Greek yogurt or a scoop of protein powder to smoothies, for instance. Low protein intake has been linked to impaired recovery, according to studies.

Try blending your preferred protein with some fruit and vegetables in addition to it. You should only use fruit that is seedless, so you might want to steer clear of strawberries and blackberries.


A typical Middle Eastern dip that has gained popularity all over the world is hummus.

It’s a fantastic source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and good fats. Hummus is a great post-wisdom tooth extraction food because of this.

Tahini, lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, and chickpeas can all be combined to create hummus in a food processor. As an alternative, most supermarkets sell premade hummus.

Unfortunately, because of the crunchy texture of chips and pita bread, you might not be able to enjoy hummus with them. Nevertheless, eating hummus on its own is still delicious.

Cottage Cheese

A great source of vitamins and minerals, cottage cheese has few calories. As you heal from wisdom tooth surgery, its soft and creamy texture makes it simple to chew and swallow.

In addition, cottage cheese is a great source of protein, which may help with wound healing.

Additionally simple to include in your diet is cottage cheese. Make smoothies with it or try adding it to your scrambled eggs.

Instant Oatmeal

One of the healthiest foods is oatmeal. They are nutritious, filling, and a good source of fiber in addition to having vitamins and minerals.

Oats do have a slightly chewy and sticky texture, so it’s best to avoid eating them for at least 3 days after having your wisdom teeth removed.

Choosing instant oatmeal is also preferable because it is less chewy than other varieties, such as oatmeal made with steel cut oats.

Make sure the oats have cooled off before you eat them to prevent irritation.

Mashed Pumpkin

After having your wisdom teeth removed, mashed cooked pumpkin is a delicious food to eat. It’s a fruit even though it’s sometimes referred to as a vegetable.

Its soft, mushy texture makes it simple to chew and swallow without irritating the mouth.

Pumpkin is also a good source of potassium, vitamins A, C, and E, and other nutrients. These vitamins might boost immunity, which might aid in the body’s recovery following wisdom tooth extraction.

To prevent it from stinging your wound, let the pumpkin cool down first.


One of the healthiest types of fish is salmon. Additionally, due to its softness and ease of chewing, it’s great to eat after dental surgery.

Including omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is a great source of healthy fats and protein. Particularly if your body already has low levels of omega-3 fatty acids, these fats may promote wound healing by reducing inflammation.

Although inflammation is necessary for the healing of wounds, if it persists for a long time, it can be detrimental to healing.

Scrambled Eggs

One of the best foods to eat after having your wisdom teeth removed are eggs. They are an excellent source of vitamin and mineral-rich, high-quality protein.

Try to find pasteurized or omega-3-enriched varieties of eggs when you’re shopping. Omega-3 fatty acids may speed up the healing of wounds.

Compared to other egg preparations, scrambled eggs may be easier to chew and swallow.


After having your wisdom teeth removed, apples are difficult and crunchy, which is not ideal. One way to up your fruit intake and keep from getting irritated is to eat applesauce.

However, applesauce is typically made from puréed apples, which are typically cored and skinless, reducing their nutritional value. This is due to the skin’s high fiber, vitamin, and mineral content.

A skinless apple is still a good source of vitamins like vitamin C. This vitamin might strengthen the immune system, which might facilitate wound healing.

Mashed Bananas

Of all the fruits, bananas are among the most consumed. After dental surgery, they are simple to chew and swallow due to their soft texture.

Bananas also contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, vitamin B6, manganese, and folate.

In order to lessen the possibility of discomfort, bananas can be further mashed to soften their texture.

Banana Ice Cream

Ice cream is frequently suggested as a post-wisdom tooth surgery recovery food. Regular ice cream is typically high in sugar and fat, despite the possibility that the coldness will soothe the wound.

In place of traditional ice cream, banana ice cream is a delicious and healthy homemade option.

Foods That Should Be Avoided

You would feel sensitive and susceptible to infection after having your wisdom teeth removed. The following foods should not be consumed after wisdom teeth removal as they can aggravate the wound and cause pain, delaying healing and increasing the risk of infections and other recurring dental issues.

  • Spicy foods
  • Acidic foods (citrus juice)
  • Hard or chewy foods (nuts, seeds or jerky)
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Hot foods
What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Top Guide
What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth? Top Guide

Activities That Should Be Avoided

  • Sucking through a straw
  • Excessive spitting
  • Excessive mouth rinsing
  • Smoking
  • Strenuous activities
  • Touching or poking the wound

As part of the healing process after having your wisdom teeth removed, a blood clot will form in the tooth socket. However, vigorous activities such as those listed above may cause the newly formed blood clot to dislodge which leads to a painful condition known as dry socket. Quite frequently occurring dry socket causes a delay in the healing of the wound.

Smoking will also extend the healing process and raise your risk of developing dry socket. For at least 72 hours following your extraction, quitting smoking is advised.

When to Start Eating Normal Food After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

Within a week of having their wisdom teeth removed, many patients discover they can resume regular eating.

To ensure a speedy recovery following wisdom tooth removal, it’s important to continue eating a variety of soft, delectable, and healthy foods. You’ll feel more at ease and help lower your risk of infection as long as you stick to the right foods and avoid foods that can hinder your recovery.

Final Words

The rate of healing will vary from person to person. You should therefore continue adding solid food to your diet at your own comfort and rate. It’s crucial to follow a healthy diet high in soft foods and steer clear of anything that could irritate the wound area or cause an infection for a quicker rate of recovery. To hasten the healing process, get lots of rest. For a straightforward extraction, you’ll get 1-2 days of medical time off, and surgical cases will get 5-7 days to heal.

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