Is It Safe To Smoke Lavender All You Want To Know

Did you know that lavender is a fantastic smokable herb? Lavender is used widely for a variety of things, including cooking, perfumes, and natural healing.

So, is it safe to smoke lavender?

No, it is not safe to smoke lavendar. Because of the carbon monoxide, tar, and other compounds released during combustion, all available evidence indicates that inhaling smoke of any kind, whether or not it is psychoactive, is not healthy for the body.

In this article, we’ll answer a lot of common questions about this popular herb that belongs to the mint family. We’ll base our knowledge on peer-reviewed studies and reliable research, and we won’t try to persuade you to smoke lavender by claiming that it has health benefits or medicinal properties that aren’t supported by any evidence.

Continue reading.

Smoking Lavender

The majority of studies on the health advantages of lavender focus on its topical products or use as an essential oil. Although it might be possible to inhale a tiny amount of lavender essential oil while smoking lavender, there is no evidence to support this claim.

Although there is still a dearth of reliable research on the direct advantages of smoking lavender, the linalool terpene that lavender produces has a wealth of advantages. We are aware that evidence exists to back up the claim that cannabis smokers can absorb linalool. There is no proof that consuming cannabis instead of lavender will stop you from absorbing linalool.

According to a 2019 review, lavender has many health advantages, including the ability to reduce anxiety, strengthen the immune system, promote restful sleep, relieve headaches, and hasten the healing of wounds. In the post-anesthesia care unit, lavender aromatherapy lowers the need for morphine, according to a randomized control study.

According to a 2017 laboratory study, dangerous bacteria like Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus may be resistant to lavender essential oil. Linalool reduced inflammation in rats, according to a different study. Additionally, linalool was found to have anti-anxiety properties in a 2009 study.

The absence of withdrawal symptoms and safer smoking are for many consumers lavender’s biggest advantages. Due to the sensation and health advantages that common terpenes provide, some cannabis users enjoy smoking lavender.

Getting a good night’s sleep becomes much more difficult as you stop smoking and begin to detox from nicotine. Unpleasant side effects such as jitters and irritability begin to manifest. To the rescue, lavender and linalool. The stress hormone cortisol can be reduced by up to 60% by inhaling lavender oil, according to one study.

Lavender Smoking: Is It Safe?

All the evidence ultimately points to the fact that breathing in any smoke, whether or not it has psychoactive effects, is simply not good for your body because of the carbon monoxide, tar, and other chemical compounds released during combustion.

Lavender – Is It Addictive?

That’s one of the main “real” advantages of smoking lavender; it doesn’t contain nicotine, so you can’t get addicted or live through any type of withdrawal symptoms like with tobacco cigarettes. So if you ever become a really intense lavender smoker where you might tell yourself you need to quit, you’re all good bud.

Where Can You Smoke Lavender?

Scientifically known as lavandula angustifolia, lavender is a medicinal herb and a flowering plant that’s part of the mint family. The characteristics that make it most recognisable are its strong aroma and distinctive color. Lavender was primarily found in the mountains and hills of northern Africa, the Mediterranean, and India. It was grown as a flower in small bushes. But as a result of its popularity and high demand, it has now spread throughout the entire world. It is a member of the mint family of flowering plants and is comparable to sage or peppermint.

Can One Smoke Lavender?

Lavender can be smoked similarly to tobacco. Lavender can be rolled into cigarettes, either by itself or in combination with other plants, and ground into small, smokable pieces. You could incorporate it into other herbs, cannabis, or tobacco.

Fresh lavender smells similar to smoked lavender, which has a richer, smokier aroma more akin to incense. Furthermore, the flavor is potent. See more about Can A Pregnant Woman Use A Foot Spa?

Is Smoking Lavender Good For Your Health?

There is no proof to support the claim that smoking lavender is healthy.

There is no scientific proof that smoking lavender is safe, and there are much safer ways to use this plant. Smoking lavender might allow someone to inhale a tiny amount of lavender essential oil with the smoke. The essential oil, for instance, can be applied or diffused in its place.

Contrary to lavender smoking, there is some evidence that lavender essential oil use may have some health advantages. It may aid in sleep, anxiety, headaches, and wound healing, according to prior studies, according to a 2019 review.

Lavender essential oil may be able to combat specific infections, according to numerous studies. Lavender oil showed antibacterial properties in human cells, according to a study. The oil killed or reduced the strength of several potentially dangerous species, including Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

Lavender essential oil was not tested on human subjects in this study, and there is not enough data to conclusively prove that it is a reliable treatment for any condition at this time. The advantages and safety of lavender essential oil are still being studied.

Is It Harmful To Your Health To Smoke Lavender?

Exposure to smoke and other potential carcinogens is the main health risk associated with smoking lavender.

Smoking tobacco exposes a person’s lungs to dozens of harmful chemicals

from cigarette additives, as well as the tobacco itself. All of these additives are not present in lavender cigarettes. The carbon monoxide levels in herbal cigarettes, however, were comparable to those in tobacco cigarettes, according to earlier analyses.

Smoke of any kind is a form of air pollution, and breathing it in is never healthy. When you smoke anything, it releases microscopic particles and gases that enter your lungs. These particles might irritate the lungs over time and harm them.

Is It Safe To Smoke Lavender All You Want To Know
Is It Safe To Smoke Lavender? All You Want To Know

Where Can You Smoke Herbs?

Smoking has been around since at least 5000 BC. Cannabis and opium use and trade were next most popular, then tobacco cultivation and consumption. Many other herbs and plants have been (and still are) used in smoking rituals across cultures

Most people today are aware that smoking processed tobacco is unhealthy, and many are looking to switch to something less dangerous. Smokable herb blends have a number of potential health advantages and are unquestionably a healthier option than commercial cigarettes when consumed in moderation, especially when done so on the advice of reputable herbalists.

Some of the most common reasons for smoking herbs include:

  • Quitting tobacco
  • Relaxing
  • Improving mood
  • Spiritual rituals
  • Health reasons
  • Mental boost

Not all herbs can be smoked, keep that in mind. To stay safe, follow this advice on smokable herbs.

Using a Moose Labs PeaceFilter for cleaner, smoother hits is another ideal method for smoking more safely. The PeaceFilter has become a standard smoking accessory for many smokers.

How To Make Your Own Herbal Smoking Blends

Ready to make your own homemade herbal smokable blend? Herbal smoking blends typically have three components:

  1. Carrier or base herbs—40-60%
  2. Supportive herbs—30-40%
  3. Flavoring herbs—10-20%

Base herbs “carry” the other herbs and are the bulk of the blend. Supportive herbs have specific results, like promoting healthy bladder function or lowering stress. Herbs that have been flavor-infused taste better.

Perfecting a skill takes time, so practice your blending methods! If you’re just getting started, for instance, mullein, red raspberry, and cannabis all make great base herbs. Lavender can be used to add flavor or support. Mugglewort and skullcap may help smokers who crave tobacco smoke feel more like they are inhaling the real thing. Additionally, mints or coltsfoot are a fantastic addition for lung support.

Here’s a look at the smokable herbs in focus:

List Of Smokable Herbs


Strong lungs-antiseptic properties of bergamot. Both as an herbal smoke and as an essential oil. Bergamot is frequently used to lessen cigarette cravings, assist with quitting, and support other compulsive or dependency disorders. Bergamot is a type of citrus fruit, and as such, it boosts the immune system and is uplifting.

Blue Lotus Flower

To induce lucid dreaming or other psychoactive effects as well as relaxation, dried Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) flower petals are steeped in tea or smoked. Blue Lotus is well known for its sedative, calming euphoric, and aphrodisiac effects. The Blue Lotus is also known as the Egyptian Lotus, the Blue Water Lily, and the Sacred Lily of the Nile.


Catnip, a plant belonging to the mint family, has a mild sedative effect that promotes tranquility. Although it does have a faint mint flavor, it is primarily a helpful herb for smoking. This is due to the fact that while catnip makes humans feel happy, it doesn’t do the same for cats.


Chamomile is a perennial plant with a summer to fall growing season that is native to Europe. With climbing stems and daisy-like flowers, it has a height range of three to six inches. Chamomile is a herb that can be smoked, despite the fact that most of us have only ever had it in tea to induce sleep or calm the nerves. As an anti-inflammatory, it has long been used. Chamomile has a light, fruity, subtly sweet body when smoked or vaped. It has sedative and anti-spasmodic effects in addition to easing tension and calming the mind. It also has other therapeutic advantages.


Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), a groundcover that grows 6 to 12 inches tall, rarely germinates. Online stores sell seeds and plants for pots. Coltsfoot, an expectorant with a neutral flavor and a light smoke, can make you cough violently as it helps clear phlegm from your lungs.


Damiana is a base herb or a supportive herb. Damiana has a sturdy texture that works well as a base herb for other herbs. Damiana is a calming herb that also promotes relaxation and the nervous system’s health. Damiana has a neutral flavor that is comparable to cannabis, and overall this herb feels especially helpful to people trying to give up tobacco.


Hyssop, which is mentioned in the Bible and has long been revered as a sacred herb, is an expectorant that calms irritated mucous membranes in the respiratory system. In conjunction with white horehound, it is frequently used to treat emphysema and cleanse the lungs.

Hyssop is also used to promote concentration and reduce stress. Some people may start to perspire due to these potent cleansing abilities.

Korean Ginseng

Korean ginseng has a number of health benefits, including the ability to ease anxiety and fatigue while enhancing breathing by opening up constrictive blood vessels in the lungs. Additionally, Korean ginseng may cleanse the adrenal glands and lessen the physical side effects of stress, such as high cortisol levels. Furthermore, studies suggest that Korean ginseng may prevent lung cancer from spreading.

Lemon Balm

Melissa officinalis, also known as lemon balm, is a perennial herb that has a lemon scent and is native to the Eastern Mediterranean and West Asia. It has been used for thousands of years to treat conditions like insomnia, anxiety, and nausea as well as to improve mood and cognitive function.


Lobelia (Lobelia inflata), also known as Indian tobacco, has been used for centuries. Native Americans used lobelia in their smoking practices as an herbal treatment for respiratory illnesses like bronchitis, asthma, coughs, and pneumonia. It can cause vomiting and help the body rid itself of toxins in high concentrations.

Marshmallow Root

Another excellent option for an herb base that can be smoked and also adds some sweetness is marshmallow root. An herbal blend benefits from the fluffy texture of dried marshmallow root. The lungs, throat, digestive system, and skin inflammation can all be soothed by marshmallow root, which also has supportive qualities.

Mullein Leaf (verbascum Thapsus)

A biennial herb, mullein can reach a height of six feet or higher where its flower stalks emerge and measures two feet wide at the base. It has a long history of use as a lung tonic and helps suppress coughing. Mullein is the ideal base herb because it never tastes harsh, is mild, light, or has its own flavor. It is similar to smoking nothing at all.

Mugwort (artemesia Vulgaris)

Mugwort is a widely distributed perennial that can reach heights of 2 feet in North America. The flavor of this mildly sweet herb makes it enjoyable to smoke. The use of mugwort in the past to have waking dreams was made possible by a mild psychoactive effect.

The therapeutic effects of mugwort are comparable to those of cannabis and include relief from colds, fever, nervous problems, digestive problems, and menstrual problems. Mugwort is fluffy and light, similar to mullein, making it a perfect herbal base for a smoking blend.


The tropical herb passionflower reduces stress and discomfort, helps with menopausal symptoms and digestion, and improves sleep. For nighttime use, particularly, add passionflower to a smoking blend to support the nervous system. And as you might expect, passionflower gives your smoking blend a slightly sweet flavor.

Peppermint And Spearmint

The entire mint family, including peppermint, spearmint, and others, has many health advantages, including calming the nerves, enhancing blood flow, and reviving the body and mind. Both spearmint and peppermint have potent purifying properties that open up the airways and lungs for simpler breathing.

Red Raspberry Leaf

The nervous system can be calmed by red raspberry leaf, which may also be able to counteract nicotine poisoning. Its fluffy texture makes for a nice base herb, and it might be useful for treating menstrual pain.

Rose Petals

Rose petals have many potential health advantages in addition to their obvious use as a flavoring and scenting agent in herbal smoking blends. For instance, rose petals may have neuroprotective properties, antiviral and antimicrobial advantages, and protection against cadmium toxicity.


Skullcap is a perennial with a height of about one foot that spreads attractively and produces smoke with a medium to neutral flavor. Smoking skullcap has a subdued calming effect and has a variety of health advantages, including easing insomnia and anxiety and energizing the nervous system.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is one of the most widely used medicinal plants in the world and is best known as a natural antidepressant. It has been used for centuries to treat depression, and it may also lessen the symptoms of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Several common medications and St. John’s Wort can interact, so be aware.

Uva Ursi (arctostaphylos Uva-ursi)

Uva-ursi herb, also known as kinnikinnick, is a common groundcover plant for landscaping and is an attractive woody plant that grows to about 6 inches tall. Kinnikinnick is an Algonquin name. For many years, Native American tribes have used this native plant for ceremonial purposes. Strongly earthy in flavor and medium in smoke, uva-ursi.

White Horehound

A customary herb used during Passover is white horehound, also known as marrob. White horehound, a Mediterranean native, is popular with people who have asthma and other respiratory inflammatory conditions like whooping cough or bronchitis because it is a rare and extremely effective anti-inflammatory. Marrubiin, which increases appetite and has expectorant properties, is abundant in white horehound. Due to its analgesic properties, white hordehound is also used to treat toothaches and headaches.

White Sage

Numerous conditions, such as sore throats, sinus infections, and menstrual pain, can be treated with white sage. Additionally, it gives cigarettes a clean, distinct flavor that has a positive, upbeat vibe that many people like.

Willow Bark

There are many traditional and medicinal uses for willow bark, including benefits for pain relief, better skin texture, and anti-inflammatory properties. It also gives an herbal smoke blend more body, increases smoothness and heaviness, and has astringent properties akin to tobacco.


The primary component of absinthe, once thought to be a potent hallucinogen, is wormwood. Wormwood also has medicinal benefits as a mild anesthetic and pain reliever for ailments like headaches, menstrual cramps, and rheumatism.

Other Flavoring Herbs

Other flavoring herbs like anise, clove, angelica root, rosemary, licorice root, yerba buena, or monarda can also be smoked. Whenever possible, choose pesticide-free organic herbs.

Smokable Herbs As An Ancient Spiritual Tradition

Herbs have been smoked by humans for enjoyment and health long before written records exist. The culture of smoking has developed alongside conventional ritualistic treatments for illness.

As part of ritual ceremonies, smoking medicinal herbs is described in various cultures. In the 5th century BCE, Darius, King of Persia has chronicled smoking herbs, Avicenna, a 10th-century Muslim healer, described smoking medicinal herbs in, “The medical canon”

These botanicals have historically been used by many South American ethnic groups. Furthermore, a 4,000-year-old Indian healing tradition called Ayurveda, which is still used today, heavily emphasizes smoking herbs.


Even when using herbal products, smoking is not safe. There is no proof that smoking lavender is healthier or less dangerous than smoking tobacco cigarettes. Always giving up smoking is the safest course of action.

You can use lavender in healthier ways if you enjoy the scent or want to use it as a herbal remedy. For instance, people can use lavender essential oil on their skin or fresh or dried lavender flowers to flavor foods or beverages.

Aromatherapy and herbal medicines are not risk-free, so a person should always consult a doctor before using any new essential oils or home remedies and adhere to safety precautions.

Many thanks for reading.